Children's Ministry @ First ARP
The children's ministry exists to come alongside parents in raising their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Faithful staff and volunteers help teach children the truths of God's Word at an age-appropriate level so that they may come to know Jesus and Lord and Savior and learn to follow Him. Our goal is that all children feel safe and loved and can learn more about Christ and His Word.

opportunities for Children . . .
Children 4 years old through 5th grade gather in classes to help them grow in their faith. Currently, our children use the Show Me Jesus curriculum from Great Commission Publications. Nursery is offered during Sunday School for children birth through 3 years old.
Children's Church
Following the children's message at each service, children 4 years old through 2nd grade are dismissed for children's church. During this time the children learn the elements of corporate worship and why we do what we do.
Wednesday Nights
Other Opportunities
On Wednesday nights our children have another opportunity to grow spiritually. Children's choir practices for part of the time and then classes for the children follow. Nursery is offered for children birth through 4 years old.
Throughout the year our children have various fun activities, service projects, and other events. Vacation Bible School happens each June. Additionally, many of our kids go to camp at Bonclarken.
***All staff and volunteers must attend a training session on our Child Protection Policy and pass a background check every five years***