What We Believe
The message of the Bible is the good news of the gospel. This message is summarized in one word: Jesus. Even though we are all dead in our sin apart from God (Ephesians 2:1), in His lovingkindness the Lord made a way for us to be reconciled to Himself. He sent His one and only Son to perfectly obey God's commands, die in our place on the cross, and rise triumphant on the third day. Because of this good news, we all are offered forgiveness of our sins and adoption into the family of God.
The gospel is the central element to all that we do. When God's Word is preached on Sundays, you will hear the gospel woven in to each sermon. When Bible Studies occur, the gospel is present. When counseling occurs, the gospel is shared. Even in fellowship, the gospel is key.
The gospel is the central element to all that we do. When God's Word is preached on Sundays, you will hear the gospel woven in to each sermon. When Bible Studies occur, the gospel is present. When counseling occurs, the gospel is shared. Even in fellowship, the gospel is key.

confessionally reformed
As an ARP church, we hold to the Reformed system of doctrine as summarized in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms. Reformed Theology is rooted in the Word of God and the doctrines of the Protestant Reformation. There is a heavy emphasis on the sovereignty of God in all things. Additionally, we hold that we are saved by grace along, through faith alone, in Christ alone, all to the glory of God alone.
We are also Presbyterian, which means rule by elders. First ARP elects 20 men who serve 4-year terms as elders. The elders are representatives who lead and shepherd the congregation. Additionally, we have men and women who serve in the office of deacon. The diaconate is an office of service meeting the physical needs of the people and the building of our church.
We are also Presbyterian, which means rule by elders. First ARP elects 20 men who serve 4-year terms as elders. The elders are representatives who lead and shepherd the congregation. Additionally, we have men and women who serve in the office of deacon. The diaconate is an office of service meeting the physical needs of the people and the building of our church.
denominationally connected
We are a member of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian denomination. This group of like-minded churches has existed in its current from since 1822. Being a part of a denomination provides accountability for our pastor and elders. Additionally, it helps us have a wider reach through camps/conferences, church planting, and missions. While the ARP is a relatively small denomination, God has richly blessed us and there is much fruit for the Kingdom of God.